Quary: The Tool for Middle Data

Quary: The Tool for Middle Data

In our personal dives into the data, we have often found ourselves stranded in a space we playfully term middle data. It's where most of our work happens, yet, surprisingly we felt underserved by existing tools.

Most of us live in this middle data space. It's not big data (90 % of Big Query queries processed less than 100 MB of data [Big Data is dead]) but it's too complicated to be small data, which might be just a few workbooks in Excel. Often you can fit it on your computer, but there are enough separate parts that you need tooling to organise and analyse it.

That's the space we inhabited, it's where we think most teams live and breathe, even those parts of large wider organisations. It's where most insights lie and the most value can be unlocked, but it's also where the tooling causes the most dilemma: do you go big or go small? Start small and hit a hard brick wall - as we did when we introduced dashboard tools and encountered a complexity scaling wall within a week - or go big and take most people a year to get up to a decent level of maturity.

Cost Curve

We think there's a better way, and we're building Quary to get you to a good middle data level in an afternoon.

Middle-Sized Data

Imagine you're working on multiple spreadsheets that start to feel bulky and unmanageable. This is where middle data begins, and we think it ends when you're contemplating real cost efficiencies in your data infrastructure. This data could reside locally on your machine or in a cloud data warehouse. It’s abundant and waiting to be transformed into actionable insights, a task we’re passionately tackling with Quary.



At Quary, our vision is to build the best business intelligence tool for middle data. It should be easy to set up and get running with data quickly, but without sacrificing longer term scaling.

3 + 1 Pillars

We believe that the best way to achieve this vision is to keep coming back to our pillars:

  • Speed: Delivering swift and efficient data analysis.
  • Confidence: Ensuring trust and reliability in your data.
  • Accessibility: Making data intelligence universal.

We believe that by building the tool according to these pillars, we can unlock the magic that happens when data and business experts come together, erasing the walls that currently divide them.

Collaboration is the last pillar and the utopia that we unlock if we master the others.

Most of the time, we feel the opposite, walls between:

  • people (trying to explain an idea in Slack)
  • teams (trying to explain a requirement through a document)
  • and tools (when an experiment in the dashboard tool needs to be moved to a tested and validated )

But just sometimes, we find ourselves in a magical moment all huddled together (virtually or not), getting our hands dirty and uncovering new and fabulous insight. At Quary, we're making that the default.

Join Us on This Exciting Journey

We’re on a thrilling journey to redefine data management, and we invite you to be a part of it. Whether you're a data wizard, a business strategist, or just someone who loves numbers, Quary has something for you. Your insights and feedback are invaluable as we continue to refine and enhance Quary. Stay tuned for more updates, and let's embark on this adventure of data collaboration together.