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Transform data together

Model, test and deploy as a team
*No credit card required

Unlock 80% More Value from Your Data

Overcome Communication Barriers, Not Just Technical Ones


Connect to your data warehouse.

SSO authenticates your team in seconds.

Connection view


Organise your Business Intelligence as SQL.

Get organized. Forget scrappy Excel files.

Documentation view


Collaborate securely.

Make changes with confidence - automated testing validates every update.

Version Control


Deploy models confidently

Travel back in time when things go wrong.

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Security at Quary

Quary connects to your sensitive data store. In order to protect it, Quary is built from the ground up with security in mind.

Your data
By default, data does not leave your estate, data exchanges happen between your Quary client and your data store.
SSO is not an extra. We include it in our base plan and even help set it up. No one should share credentials.
Access management
Quary builds upon the your data store's access management systems and helps you manage it.
SOC2 Certification
We are in the process of implementing SOC2 and have security credentials (CISSP) on the team to ensure your data stays secure.

Book a Walkthrough

We are happy to walk you through Quary and answer any questions you might have.


Quary works with the following data stores. If you have another that you need to connect to, get in touch.

BigQueryPostgresSnowflakeDuckdbAmazon RedshiftSqlite