
Quary can be installed in two ways. Both methods are equally valid but have slightly different purposes. The Visual Studio Code extension provides a more integrated experience and is suited to developing models with features aimed at that. The CLI tool provides slightly more control and is more suitable for tasks like Continuous Integration. If you are starting out, we recommend looking at the Visual Studio Code extension.

Visual Studio Code Extension

The Visual Studio Code extension can be installed by:

Once installed, you can use the extension by opening the command palette and typing Quary. This will show you all the commands available to you.

Command Line Interface Tool

The Quary CLI tool can be installed in a few different ways. The following are the most common methods:

MacOS/Linux through brew

For Mac users, quary may be installed with homebrew by running the following:

brew install quarylabs/quary/quary

Linux/Mac through curl

Quary can be installed using curl on Linux/Mac using the following command:

curl -fsSL | bash

Donload the binary directly

You can also download the binary directly for your operating system and architecture from the GitHub releases page. Once downloaded, you can place it in your path and use it as quary.